Pregnant Mare Update

But first: I actually rode yesterday! It was so great to get back in the saddle. We worked on fine tuning shoulder in, shoulder out, turn on the forehand, turn on the haunches, and leg yields. At a walk and trot.

All that green and she chews on logs.

Sitting the trot was okay as long as we went nice and slow. Getting off did cause a little pain from hitting the ground but I think using a mounting block next time will fix that issue until I’m completely healed.

I start physical therapy tomorrow which is great because I’ve been waiting 2 weeks for that to happen.

Her flanks are starting to sink in. The foal is repositioning in preparation of birth.

On to my land hippo (land hippo seems redundant. They live on land…) update! She’s gotten big. Her status of ‘obese’ has completely changed to ‘all baby’ which is great, she’ll have an easier time foaling. The foal moves a lot, especially around feeding time. I think the foal going to have some serious attitude because Valeria will throw her head up and start backing up in annoyance of whatever the foal is doing. There’s a lot of stomping and kicking her belly during feeding as well (with no flies present) and random spooking from what I assume is the foal giving her a good kick from the inside.

They’re just so darn cute.

It’s all really cute but I don’t know if I can withstand the adorableness of a baby with attitude. Especially if I decide to sell.

I’m going to do the nail test this week to predict the sex of the foal. Then we’ll see how accurate hedge witch magic really is!

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